龙陵 x 英华青年说|(六)过洪王旧垒——唯有精神永恒

发布时间:2023-05-26 16:03:55






Eternal Spirit: Passing by Ancient Fortresses of King Hong







Passing by Ancient Fortresses of King Hong

Chen Gengxin

All great causes have faded away like overnight mists,

Passers-by stop paddling here, full of melancholy.

The Lord of Heaven could not bear to lose such noble spirits,

And thus transformed them into steep mountains and raging tides.



【Introduction of the author】

Chen Gengxin (1889-1911), who was from Houguan County, Fujian, was one of the famed Seventy-two Martyrs of Huang Hua Mound. He studied abroad in Japan in his early years and participated in the revolution after returning to China. He was arrested and executed following the failure of the Guangzhou Uprising in 1911.








1. 洪王 (hongwang): King Hong, also Hong Xiuquan (1814–1864), led the Taiping army to revolt against the Qing dynasty and established the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851–1864) in Jintian Town, Guiping, Guangxi in 1851. In 1853, he captured Nanjing and proclaimed himself as “Heavenly King”.

2. 旧垒(jiulei): Ancient fortresses.

3. 怅(chang): A feel of melancholy; sadly.

4. 桡(rao): Paddles, referring to boats in this context.

5. 危(wei): High and steep.




Only the Spirit is Eternal

The poem was written in 1911 when Chen went to visit a friend in Guilin, Guangxi, and passed by the Penghua Mountain situated between Guiping and Wuxuan. It was the former site of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (1851–1864), the place where Hong Xiuquan (1814–1864) founded the God Worshipping Society and spread revolutionary ideas. With his feelings all stirred up, Chen wrote this seven-character quatrain.


The poem can be divided into two sections: the first half is in memory of the old days of Hong Xiuquan, the King of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. The second half expresses the sentiments of Chen himself. 

All great causes have faded away like overnight mists,

Passers-by stop paddling here, full of melancholy.

The Taiping Rebellion spread to 18 provinces and lasted 14 years, making it the largest peasant uprising in Chinese history. However, this great revolution failed and disappeared like overnight mists and fleeting clouds. Remembering this, passers-by would stop their boats here and feel a lasting loss in heart.  

The Lord of Heaven could not bear to lose such noble spirits,

And thus transformed them into steep mountains and raging tides.

The benevolent Lord of Heaven will never let the heroes’ great spirits fade away but will turn them into grand mountains and strong waves. Here Chen expressed his feelings through the voice of God. He lamented for the heroes in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Despite the failure, their glorious purpose would last forever, which is witnessed by the “steep mountains” and “raging tides” in this quatrain.


The poem is presented as a hymn by a hero for the heroes who he respected. Everything shall pass, but the spirit is eternal. Chen was also a hero with such great strength. A few months after completing this poem, he participated in the Guangzhou Uprising. After the failure of the cause, he fought alone and was unfortunately captured due to the exhaustion of food and ammunition. Before his execution, the Qing officials asked him why he joined this “malicious” rebellion. He replied, “I devote myself to this glorious revolution to awaken the deceived Chinese. How can you call it ‘malicious’? To die for a noble cause has always been righteous since ancient times.” After that, he burst out laughing, and then met his death with great composure.



Passing by Ancient Fortresses of King Hong by Chen Gengxin, handwritten by Huang Qi, 1996.

Huang Qi (1914-2005), who is from Xiushui County, Jiangxi, is Honorary Director of China Calligraphers Association and Chairman of Hebei Calligraphers Association. The calligraphy style of the work is semi-cursive.

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